Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

International Law Commission Draft on Internationally Wrongful Act of State, commentaries by James Crawford

ILC Draft on Internationaly Wrongful Act of State, commentatories by James Crawford can be downloaded here :


Other conventions and treaties can be found in this website :


Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Compromis, Rules and Coach Allocation

Dear Participants,

Attached in this blog are the materials and rules you need in the competition.

1. Compromis http://www.4shared.com/document/WDvFkd5T/Compromis.html

2. Official Rule ILCOMP 2010-High School http://www.4shared.com/document/xcFy_ph7/OFFICIAL_RULE_ILCOMP_2010-High.html

3. Official Rule ILCOMP 2010-Varsity http://www.4shared.com/document/6it8cnWl/OFFICIAL_RULE_ILCOMP_2010-For_.html

4. Coach Allocation can be found inside ILCOMP 2010 Participants http://www.4shared.com/document/k3pexlcX/ILCOMP_2010_Participants.html

Here are the contact number of each Coaches for the team :
1. Adeline Wijayanti (Adel) 081390785678
2. Adhi 08158700312
3. Katrina Marcellina (Nina) 085888661080
4. Marganda Hasudungan Hutagalung (Ganda) 081318114434
5. Naftalia Siregar (Alia) 081387189257
6. Muhammad Subarkah S. (Sume) 08562021570
7. Zefanya (Anya) 0817742772
8. Nico Angelo MP (Nico) 08128501700